Minicik bir kız bebek ile karşınızdayız. Doğumunu 3 ay önce yaptırdığım güzeller güzeli Sena büyümüş ve bizi ziyarete gelmiş...

Şansın, yolun açık olsun...

Yumurtalıklarından, rahmin üzerinden, üretere, rektuma, sakrouterin bölgeye yerleşmiş, bu alanları birbirine yapıştırmış ve bizim en sevmediğimiz kist türü olan çikolata kistlerinden sevgili hastamız Elif hanımı kurtarmış bulunuyoruz. Gerçekten ilmek ilmek işlediğimiz, upuzun süren zor bir ameliyatı daha başarıyla yapmanın verdiği sevinçle, gururla ve sevgili hastam Elif hanım ile karşınızdayım...
Bu dertten müzdarip nice hastama sesleniyorum; Siz korkmayın! Biz korkalım. Tabii ki şaka, elimizden gelenin en iyisi ile hep yanınızda olmaya devam. 

İffet hanım’a kapalı teknik ile histerektomi yani rahmin alınması ameliyatı yaptık, operasyondan 1 hafta sonra geldiğinde çok minik olan dikişlerini aldık, bu karadeki resim ise 6. Hafta kontrolümüzden, şu an kim der ki karşımızda ameliyat geçirmiş bir kadın var...
Maşallah diyoruz, kendisini sağlıkla uğurluyoru.

Herkese merhabalar,
Sevgili hastam Burcu Hanım ile ameliyat sonrası kontrolünde yine bir aradayız. Bu kez karede; sağlığına kavuşmuş bir kadın ve doktoru var. Kapalı cerrahi mucizesi ile tam 12 cm büyüklüğe ulaşmış bir myom ve daha küçük olmak üzere bir çok myomdan hastamızın rahmini kurtarmış bulunuyoruz. Operasyon için sıra bekleyen diğer hastalarımın başına... 
Sağlıcakla kalın.

İpek hanım bize rahminin içerisine yerleşmiş kocaman bir myom ve tabii ki fazlasıyla yaşadığı stres ile başvurdu...
Resimdeki tabloya baktığımda; 1 haftada kendisini mükemmel derecede toparlamış, her anlamda rahatlamış, kurtuluş zaferi işaretini vermiş bir hasta görüyorum.
Nice hastalarımıza şifa olmak dileğiyle, Sağlıkla geçsin günlerimiz...

2. kez laparoskopik myomektomi ameliyatı yaptığım sevgili Duygu ile karşınızdayız, umarım bu son olur diyerek...
Bazı kadınlarda maalesef ki myomlar tekrarlayabiliyor, Duygu’da ne yazık ki bu dertten muzdarip oldu. Bundan sonrası için tüm myomların senden uzak olmasını diliyoruz sevgili Duygu, 1 ay sonra kontrolde görüşmek üzere...

Herkese merhabalar,
Sevgili hastam Gülin hanım ile pansuman sonrası pozumuz olmasın mı :) 
Sağlıkla biten başka bir laparoskopik cerrahi daha ve sağlığına hızlıca kavuşan hastamız...
Tabiki yüzlerde kurtulmuş olmanın verdiği mutluluk hep var.
Myom temizleme işlemi için başladığımız cerrahiyi bonus olarak yanında derin endometrioma odakları ve basik kist çıkartarak bitirdik.
Özetle çokkkk güzel bir rahim ve 2 yumurtalık bırakarak işimizi tam yaptık. Güzel haberlerle görüşmek üzere...

Herkese merhabalar, Sevgili hastam Elif hanım ile artık bir resmimiz olmalıydı... Kendisi benim çoook eski hastalarımdan olur ve bizdeki öyküsü oldukça uzun. Bakmayın hiç göstermez ama çok kez müdahalesi, ameliyatı, 2 güzel doğumu var bizde... Ama bu kez yaptığımız ameliyat farklı; yaşı genç olsa da bazen gerektiği için ve zorunlu olarak rahim ve tüpleri kapalı ameliyat tekniği ile alabiliyoruz. Elif hanım’a da bu cerrahiyi yaptık ve hastamızın sağlıkla geçireceği bir ömür olması için elimizden gelenin fazlasını yapmaya çalıştık...
Çocuklarıyla geçireceği mutlu günlerde görüşmek üzere...

Bir dermoid kist şikayeti ile gelen hastam daha…
Tabii ki laparoskopik yani kapalı cerrahi tekniği ile bu kistten hastamızı kurtardık. Sapasağlam evine gitmesini, hızlıca ayağa kalkmasını sağladık. Ultra konfor sağlayan bir cerrahi ve emin ellerde gerçekleşen operasyon...
Kontrollerde sağlıkla görüşmek üzere sevgili İrem...

Bu kez biz çiçek verdik hastalarımıza... Sevgili Nurşen hanıma yaptığımız idrar kaçırma ameliyatı ile kendisini sağlığına kavuşturduk ve konforlu hayatına geri döndürdük.
Kontrollerde sağlıkla görüşmeyi diliyoruz...

Genç ve dinamik bir hastamla daha yine karşınızdayız, sevgili Günel ile bugünlere gelmek hiç kolay olmadı. Kapalı cerrahi tekniğimiz sayesinde çikolata kistlerinden kurtardık kendisini, hem sağ hem de sol yumurtalığını kaplayan çok sayıda ve büyük kistlerdi bunlar, ama şu an her şeyi geride bıraktık ve sevgili hastam kendisine yepyeni bir sayfa açtı. Sağlıklı geçireceğin bir ömrün olsun Günelciğim, başarılı bir hayat diliyoruz senin için...

Bugün minik Uras Efe’nin ziyareti bizi çok mutlu etti...
Sağlıkla büyü minik adam. Yolun açık, şansın bol olsun...

Sevgili Işıl hanım uzun yollardan gelmiş bize. Kendisi Amerika’da yaşıyor ve tabiki TÜRK HEKİMLERİNE güveniyor...
Hastamızın 1 ay önce robotik cerrahi yöntemi (DA VİNCİ) ile kapalı olarak myomektomi ameliyatını gerçekleştirdik, bugün sanki kendisinden 15 cm dev bir myom çıkarmamışız gibi hızlıca toparlamış olarak geldi kontrolüne.
Kıymetli hastamızı artık yaşadığı yere yolcu edebiliriz. Kontrollerde görüşmek üzere...

Sevgili hastam Seçil hanım ile karşınızdayız, bu kadar güler yüzlü bir kadını ameliyat etmek ve çabucak iyileştiğini görmek bizim için büyük mutluluk...
Seçil hanım’dan laparoskopik cerrahi ile sağ ve sol yumurtalıklarından endometrioma kisti çıkarttık, sigmoid kolon (kalın bağırsağın rektum ve anüse en yakın bölümü) ile yumurtalıklar birbirine yapışık haldeydi. Bu yapışıklıkları giderdik, derin endometriozis odaklarını temizledik ve her iki yumurtalığını olması gerektiği gibi serbestleştirdik….
Çoook iş yaptık, en güzeli de hastamızın gülen yüzünün daha çok gülmesini sağladık. Ne mutlu bize...

Lara's sweet visit. Have a nice age even at 3.5 years old princess.

5 years ago today, baby Duru.

Our patient, who had an isthmocele (cesarean scar) operation 4 days ago, came for us from my hometown Adana. Her operation was very successful. She could not pass without visiting us before she went to Adana. It is good that we got to know you. Thank you very much.

Welcome Baby Eda

We were very happy with the visit of our little twins.

Our beautiful pregnant Ayşin We decided to take a photo 1 week before the birth, we are waiting for our son with excitement.

We removed exactly 13 giant myomas, the largest of which reached 9 cm, with closed surgery. Of course, our work did not end there, there was a tiny myoma in the uterus that was located in the cavity, we cleaned it with hysteroscopy and restored our patient's health.

Today, we are here with our dear patient, Ms. Nurdan. This is the case with closed surgery and uterine removal surgery. My patient is upright in a short time, can do all her work herself, and continues her life as she regained her health quickly.

Another patient of mine who smiles again thanks to closed, that is, laparoscopic surgery. Mrs. Funda, who quickly returned to her health, work, home, and husband and felt as if she had never had an operation.

Last week, our patient had giant myomas, one of which was 25 cm and the other 20 cm. We patiently removed these benign tumors that had become huge in our patient's uterus, protecting the patient's uterus one by one, and finished our surgery cleanly. Our patient also got rid of all the pain she suffered, heavy and days-long bleeding, and the complaint of weakness caused by her anemia.

She applied to our clinic from Gaziantep. For about 15 years, she had many tests, various hormone treatments, surgeries, and applied to many doctors due to her deep chocolate cyst disease, but unfortunately she could not get results, on the contrary, the side effects of these treatments caused her to experience more difficult processes. . We performed deep endometriosis surgery on our patient with the closed surgical technique, we eliminated all the problems that cause pain without overlooking even the smallest details, we eliminated the deep foci that spread to the urinary tract and intestine one by one. Now our patient is extremely healthy, she has recovered, today we have dressed her and removed his stitches.

Surprising us again this time, even my patient's ovary has grown in such a way that it can rotate around itself; We were faced with a huge dermoid cyst. We performed a clean laparoscopic surgery to make my patient smile, who entrusted herself to us with the confidence of being in safe hands, and we saved our patient from this problem.

Dear Simge, after long researches, she found us and came to our clinic from Cyprus There were adenomyotic area, rectovaginal nodule, endometriotic cysts, fibroids and adhesions. We cleaned all of them one by one with the closed surgical method and regained our patient's health.

We performed dermoid cyst surgery, which has grown up to 13 cm in diameter, with the laparoscopic method. Although it has been quite difficult due to the stress factor, the aftermath is quite good. I dressed her, we watched the surgery video, which is the ritual of our clinic, which is the most enjoyable and interesting part because it makes us very happy to show my patients what we did during their surgery and let them see what we saved them from.

We cleaned the endometriosis foci and adhesions in our patient's ovaries with closed surgery, freed her tubes and bowel involvement, and finished her surgery by doing a lot of work.

We successfully completed a deep chocolate cyst surgery closed with the laparoscopic method. If you ask my patient, yes, she is extremely well, healthy and of course, I am very happy that he got rid of her endometriosis, which causes all the uterus and ovaries to stick together, with closed surgery, and that we preserved her ovaries. We patiently managed this difficult surgery that we performed with my team, and we restored my patient's health.

My dear patient applied to us with the complaint of chocolate cyst, we performed deep endometriosis surgery with laparoscopy for our patient. Because of these cysts, every area including lymph nodes, appendix and ureters was stuck together.

We cleaned the uterus of Ms. Şükran from many large and small fibroids, the largest of which is 9 cm in diameter, with the laparoscopic method, that is, with the closed surgery technique. Although only 1 week has passed since the operation, our patient returned to her normal life quickly and came back to her dressing, very healthy and happy. Today, we took the tiny stitches of Ms. Şükran, checked it, and said goodbye to our patient, saying, "I'll see you at the ultrasonography check in 1 month."

Dear Ms. seniz applied to our clinic from Aydın, yet another image on ultrasound; She is one of my patients with whom I encountered a different picture in the operating room. We finished the operation, which we performed with the closed surgical technique and hysteroscopy, by removing the scar pregnancy defect (Isthmosel) that adhered to the uterus of our patient, and cleaning the placental tissues, leaving a clean uterus and ovaries under the control of hysteroscopy.

We performed the operation of our patient with the closed surgical technique; We cleaned the large fibroid focus located in the middle of her uterus, and left a clean uterus and 2 ovaries to our patient.

With laparoscopy, that is, closed surgery technique, called hydrosalpenx; We cleaned the fluid in the tubes, removed the endometriosis cyst in the right ovary, performed a magnificent surgery and preserved the uterus & ovaries of our patient and left them immaculate.

We performed the operation of our patient with the closed surgical technique; We collected all the fibroids that settled in her uterus, we cleaned the endometriosis foci and adhesions in her ovaries, we released her tubes and intestinal involvement, we left a clean uterus and 2 ovaries to our patient.

We saved Ms. Seda's uterus from many myomas, the largest of which was 9 cm in diameter, by closed surgery (laparoscopic method). Our dear patient had been afraid of surgery for years and therefore avoided it (she definitely didn't do it right) and admitted to us that it was pointless to wait so long after her surgery. Although only a week has passed since her surgery, she quickly returned to her normal life.

We performed deep endometriosis surgery with the closed surgical technique. For our patient, preoperatively; Although it was quite difficult due to the stress and pain factor, the aftermath went very well. Together we watched the surgery video, which is the ritual of our clinic, which is the most enjoyable and most interesting part because it makes us very happy to show my patients what we did during their surgery, to let them see what we saved them from, so they say goodbye to us with a reborn feeling, painless, bleeding and relaxed.

Dear Ceyda lady applied to us from England. First of all, since our patient lives in England and can come to our country for a limited time, we examined all her examinations via whatsapp, we made a one-to-one phone call with her and listened to all her complaints. We made our diagnosis and made our surgical planning. We performed robotic surgery on our patient with Da Vinci, using the extraordinary technology offered by the robot, we removed many fibroids, removed chocolate cysts, performed deep endometriosis surgery, opened all adhesions, freed her ovaries, and corrected the uterine septum, that is, the veil in the uterus, with hysteroscopy just before the surgery ended. She is very well now, as long as our patients are well, we are better.

With laparoscopic surgery, we opened all adhesions extending to the back of the uterus and intestines, removed the foci of adenomyosis one by one, cleaned all the fibroids that settled in the uterus, freed their ovaries, they were also in a disastrous condition and we had struggled a lot to bring them back to normal. We dressed her stitches, and we bid farewell to our patient, who had regained her health, from our clinic, wishing her luck in 2022.

Our young patient, precious Irmak; She applied to our clinic from Croatia. For about 3 years, she had many tests, various hormone treatments were given to her due to her deep chocolate cyst disease, she applied to many doctors because of his persistent pain, but unfortunately he could not get results, on the contrary, the side effects of these treatments caused her to experience more difficult processes. We performed deep endometriosis surgery on our patient with the closed surgical technique, we eliminated all the problems that cause pain without overlooking even the smallest details, we eliminated the deep foci that spread to the urinary tract and intestine one by one. Our patient is very, very well.

Sometimes more words are not needed! My dear patient wrote down her heart for us.

"Hello I'm Burcu

To briefly describe our path that crossed with my doctor Fatih, our adventure started with a cyst definition two years ago. I applied to many different physicians in Aydın. The pain that did not go away began to affect my daily life. I learned much later that it was endometriosis, not a cyst. A lot of medication, antibiotics and more... Then a doctor said, "You should go to Fatih Şendağ". I had open surgery before, I thought everything was over with the diagnosis of endometriosis, but it had just begun. I came to my doctor Fatih, he explained me in such a positive, comforting and explanatory way that I understood the process in the first examination. I was going to have closed surgery, but my fear was too much due to previous experiences. But I got through this very easily. It's not like I was afraid. My doctor, nurses, everyone was very helpful. I am writing from my control one week after the operation, neither pain nor pain, thankfully, nothing is left. The reason I ran away from the doctors I went to first was fear and pain, it is very important to be able to trust, I trust Fatih Şendağ with my eyes closed and I thank his team and him for everything.

Burcu Korkmaz"

Don't look at her standing so calm next to me, she came to our clinic with an incredible panic last week, when I saw her so stressed and upset, I quickly took an ultrasound and did her examination. During the examination, we noticed chocolate cysts covering the right and left ovaries, deep endometriosis foci covering the rectum and located in the rectovaginal area, and the adhesions caused by these. Of course, all of these impaired our patient's quality of life, caused severe pain and most importantly made my patient feel psychologically helpless. We cleaned all the masses one by one with the laparoscopic method, removed the cysts, freed the ovaries from deep endometriosis foci, opened the adhesions, in short, we accomplished a lot. Ms. Suzan is doing wonderfully well now. Enjoyable, healthy, happy...

I am very happy to have performed the operation of a fellow citizen from Adana, and to restore my dear Gülten lady to her health. Ms. Gülten applied to me last week with fibroids that settled in her uterus, with the complaint of heavy bleeding and urinary incontinence, which could disrupt the comfort of life. Although only a week had passed, she came to us fully recovered and recovered, we dressed her, and we sent her off to my hometown, Adana, with good health.

2 beautiful women on my right and left; become aunt & niece. Dear Miss Cansu; We operated with the closed surgical technique in 2015 and saved her uterus from a huge myoma. Now she is extremely well, healthy and she never neglects her controls. This time she brought and entrusted her aunt to us, Ms. Türkan, she applied to my clinic 2 weeks ago. When I examined her, we detected a mass in my patient's uterus and we did the pre-operative anesthesia preparation tests quickly, we took her into surgery. we removed the settled mass; She's healthy now, her pathology is clear, and she's very active as well. The picture was taken only 6 days after the operation.

Nurhayat lady, our dear patient from Kütahya. We performed hysterectomy with robotic surgery method 1.5 months ago, and we removed our patient's womb, which was gigantic and covered with fibroids, thanks to Da Vinci.

This time, my patient, who was looking for a cure, wrote to us from far away; from England. And because she wanted to entrust herself to me, she waited for days to come; As you know, our covid agenda prevented my dear patient from coming to Turkey. When my patient first wrote to me, she did not even expect to receive an answer, she was so helpless and hopeless that she was shocked when I answered, although I am always with you. Most of you know that your messages did not go unanswered. First of all, we asked her for the results of the examinations she had and some important examinations such as the MRI result. When she sent it to us, I couldn't believe my eyes. It is a huge myoma that has reached the size of about 7 months of pregnancy, reaching above the navel. We performed closed surgery with robotic surgery. There is a patient in the picture, only 1 week after his surgery. She is in England now, healthy, happy and most importantly, comfortable.

It has been only 6 days since our patient Merve performed her surgery. She was with us today, getting rid of the huge chocolate cysts that we removed with the laparoscopic method, we saw her regain her health and morale.

It is wonderful to see our educator patient recovered after only 7 days in the myomectomy operation we performed with closed surgery. She was away from her little students for a very short time, she was up on the day of her operation, she was able to return to work immediately.

She came to me recently, annoyed by a giant fibroid. I can't say that I was not surprised by these huge fibroids I saw after examining with ultrasound. I had to save Yagmur from this huge problem as soon as possible. Then, as the first thing, we determined the day of the operation, we had all the necessary tests done before the operation, no detail should have been skipped. We removed all the fibroids one by one with the closed surgery method, left the uterus in its place without the slightest damage, and discharged our patient with healing. The photo shows Yağmur before and after the operation. Which do you think is before / which is after? I wouldn't have known if I hadn't done the surgery. Good luck.

Ms. Nursen left our clinic today feeling extremely healthy, relieved of her pain caused by deep chocolate cysts, her fears are over, the state of panic is gone and she was born again. womb; It was the size of the uterus of a 4-month pregnant patient due to fibroids. Both her ovaries, rectum and uterus were stuck together in a mass. Of course, these had a reflection on the patient. It was causing unbearable pain. All these problems were solved with a single operation, moreover, with the closed technique. We wish our patient healthy, happy and peaceful days.

It has been only 6 days since we operated on our dear patient. She was quite helpless when she applied to us due to her lack of menstruation and, consequently, minimal anemia. We were able to remove many large and small fibroids with the closed surgical technique to remove any damage to the uterus and ensure that she regained her health.

This frame is 7 days after the "Laparoscopic Cerclage" (suturing the cervix with closed surgical technique). The faces are smiling, our patient has already stood up, regained her health and regained his hope. When Mrs. Funda applied to us because of recurrent miscarriage, premature birth and baby loss, she was very upset. Unfortunately, the process of suturing the cervix (cerclage), which was applied during her pregnancy before, could not prevent these losses and all this caused her to despair. We gave hope to our patient again. We stitched the cervix with the closed surgery method. We believe that our patient will also have regular check-ups and will share the good news that she is pregnant one day.

Our patient, Ayşe, applied to us with a request for a child. I couldn't believe my eyes when I had the first ultrasound examination. Everything that could happen to a uterus and an ovary was present in the image. Many large and small fibroids, chocolate cysts, fluid accumulation in the tubes called hydrosalpenx, adhesions.... We had to start from somewhere and we were ready to do whatever it took without wasting time. First of all, we secured ourselves by accumulating embryos with the in vitro fertilization pooling method (pool technique) due to the low ovarian reserve. Then, with the laparoscopic surgery method, we cleaned the fibroids, cysts, adenomyosis and all adhesions in the uterus and ovaries one by one, down to the smallest detail, and saved the tubes from the fluid in them. Finally, we cleaned the fibroid masses that settled in the uterine cavity with the hysteroscopy procedure we performed before completing the operation, checked the area where we will transfer the baby (endometrium layer) and finished our operation. Of course, we never lost our hope and excitement as we approached the happy ending step by step. Before embryo transfer, we rested the uterus and ovaries for 3 months and applied suppression treatment, and now it's time to reunite our patient with her baby. The positive result after a successful embryo transfer, the happy mother-to-be and the reflection of all this on the face. Yes, the paper held by our patient; First photo of your baby.

The visit of Özcan and Lidya brothers made us very happy. I wanted to share their stories with you; Özcan was born 4 years ago with in vitro fertilization treatment, then we frozen the remaining embryos of our patient and there was also Lydia baby in these embryos, Lydia is only 1 year old because we kept her as an embryo for 3 years. After preparing her mother's uterus, we transferred it to this beautiful baby. We have reached the painting, it is very nice to witness miracles, it is even better to make our patients happy.

Welcome Baby Welcome Almina Baby

Welcome to the world baby.

We wish the mother and her baby a happy and healthy life.

We wish our family a healthy and happy life. Welcome Baby. May you have a healthy, happy and peaceful life...

We congratulate the new member of the family and wish you a happy and healthy life.

We congratulate our mother on her baby. We wish you a happy, peaceful and healthy life.

I wish our family a happy and healthy life.

Welcome to the world, twin babies.

We performed the operation of dear Gülistan last week. Again, we successfully completed the surgery of a deep chocolate cyst, which is not easy at all, closed with the laparoscopic method.

If you ask my patient yes, she is extremely well, healthy and of course I am very happy that she got rid of his endometriosis, which causes the sticking of all the uterus and ovaries to each other, with closed surgery, and I am very happy because we protected her ovaries.


IVF treatment is a process that includes emotional and physical challenges as well as hopeful and exciting for couples. Considering this period not only as a treatment but as a process is the first and most important condition for a healthy journey. The IVF treatment process is unique and special just like us. The stories of couples struggling to conceive can differ depending on many different factors. At this point, it is necessary to choose not only the right method, but the most suitable method for you. With the right guide and a treatment program specially planned for you, you can reach your dream faster and more comfortably. You may need to complete the distance in a winding path rather than in a straight line. You may even have to fight multiple times to win this battle. We are with you whenever you need help with our experienced team so that you can walk this hopeful and winding road in the most pleasant way!

After your initial evaluation by your doctor, you should make another doctor's visit before starting IVF treatment. At this visit, you will discuss your treatment plan with your doctor. During one of your doctor's visits, your uterus can be measured using a catheter. Catheter; It is a thin, flexible tool that is used to place the embryo in the womb. Since the catheter is first inserted into the cervix and then into the uterus, the size, shape and direction of the uterus can be determined by the measurement. This is beneficial for embryo implantation. Blood tests will be done to identify any infections you or your partner may have.
A sperm sample is requested from the man so that it can be analyzed. If an abnormal situation is encountered in the sperm analysis, another sample may be requested for further examinations.
Nurses will tell you about your treatment plan and how you should use your medications.

Stimulating the Eggs:

The IVF treatment process begins in the menstrual cycle, depending on the egg stimulation process. (about a week before the woman's period) During this period, the woman uses GnRH analog drugs to stimulate her eggs. This drug effectively reduces the release of hormones that control the development of eggs in the ovaries. When you have your period, vaginal ultrasound and blood tests are performed to check whether the drug reduces egg development. If not, the drug treatment is continued for another week or two. When the function of the ovaries temporarily ceases completely, true stimulation therapy begins. Hormone therapy is applied for about 10 days to stimulate the ovarian follicles. Blood tests and ultrasound will be needed throughout treatment to determine follicle sizes. The use of the drug continues for about 10 - 12 days. Once sufficient egg stimulation is achieved, another hormone, hCG, is injected. Eggs are collected 36 - 38 hours after hCH injection.

Egg Collection and Fertilization of Eggs:

Egg retrieval is performed under anesthesia. Egg retrieval usually takes between 20 and 50 minutes. The fluid taken from the follicles is immediately taken to the embryology laboratory. In the laboratory, eggs are placed in a special solution and placed in the incubator. The time the eggs spend in the incubator depends on how mature they are. On the day of egg collection, the male collects the sperm sample by masturbation and delivers it to the laboratory. The sperm sample can also be collected outside the center in special cases. In particular, couples who may have difficulties in giving sperm samples outside the home by masturbation without a partner can obtain sperm samples at home. After the sperm is obtained, it should be delivered to the embryologists in the center within 1 hour at the most, if this period is more than 1 hour; The male sample should obtain in the center. If it is obtained outside the center; The sample should be delivered to the IVF laboratory at room temperature (without exposure to extreme heat and cold), without exposure to light. In rare cases, a second sperm sample may be requested on the same day. The next step is to combine the eggs with the sperm. The fertilization rate of eggs is usually 80%. Eggs are checked 24 hours after retrieval. Fertilization also took place during this time. Some embryos can be frozen and stored if deemed necessary. If pregnancy does not occur after treatment, frozen embryos can be used for the next transfer. In this way, the patient will not repeat the egg stimulation process again. The patient is discharged within 2 - 4 hours after the procedure and is asked to rest at home for 24 hours. It is natural to have pain in the waist, in the groin similar to menstrual pain, red or brown bleeding (from the reservoir) in the form of drops within 1 - 2 days after the egg collection process. Such bleeding does not have a negative effect on the chance of pregnancy as it is not from the uterus.
You may need to inform your doctor if any of the following conditions occur:
a) Fever higher than 38 degrees by measuring
b) Excessive vaginal (from the chamber) bleeding (some bleeding is normal)
c) Very severe and ongoing pain (some pain is normal)
d) Weight gain of more than 1 kg in 2 consecutive days
e) Inability to urinate with increasing pain 8-10 hours after the procedure

Embryo Transfer:

Embryo transfer is done within 1-3 days after the eggs are retrieved. The number of embryos to be transferred depends on the quality of the embryo, but the legal limit is three in our country. After the embryo transfer process, you need to rest for 2 days. 12 days after embryo transfer, a blood pregnancy test (blood beta hCG) is performed. Even if there is bleeding that is thought to be compatible with menstruation, a pregnancy test must be performed because sometimes there may be vaginal bleeding due to the embryo being placed in the uterus even though pregnancy occurs. If the test is positive, that is, if there is a pregnancy, the ultrasound is checked after about 3 weeks.

Ligation or Removal of Tubes
Some patients undergoing IVF treatment experience a problem of obstruction in their tubes. In cases where this obstruction occurs at the ends of the uterus, secretions accumulate in the tubes and these affect the embryos in a toxic way. As a result, the probability of conceiving is reduced by 50%. This problem experienced by the patients in question can be understood with the HSG method.

When the same problem is seen in the ultrasound evaluation, one of the options to remove or connect the tubes is applied. In cases where the removal of the tubes is on the agenda, the procedure is performed by entering the abdomen from the umbilicus using a laparoscopy camera; In cases where the procedure cannot be performed, tubes are tied in order to disconnect it from the uterus.

PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)
The PGD Method is a diagnostic method that serves the goal of IVF treatments, “To ensure that healthy babies are born into the world, not too many”. Thanks to this method, many couples at risk of having a diseased child can be analyzed before the transfer.

With the PGD Method, a diagnosis can be made by revealing the problems of women who have miscarriage due to a chromosomal disorder problem or who have unsuccessfully tried IVF treatments, who have chromosomal anomalies in their eggs at an advanced age, and who carry genetic risk.

In simple terms, one cell is taken from the embryos obtained in method applications and these are examined in terms of genetics. Thus, the possibility of transferring unhealthy embryos is prevented from the very beginning.

Embryo Freezing Method
The embryo freezing method
, which enables the embryos obtained in IVF treatments to be preserved for later use, increases the probability of success in the treatments, while at the same time brings economic and mental advantages to the patients. Especially for embryos that have been thawed for reuse, it is a serious comfort that the patient is not taken into a new process.

In the first years of its implementation, it was observed that the embryos preserved by freezing were lost in terms of viability and quality when thawed for later transfer, and this problem was prevented with the developed vitrification method.

For the embryo freezing method, the consent of the patients is obtained and after that, the embryos are kept in special environments for a certain period of time. The method has a special value for these patients, as patients younger than 35 years of age are allowed to transfer one embryo in the first two trials, within the framework of the law enacted in Turkey. The embryos of the patients who approve the embryo freezing process can be kept for a period of 5 years, provided that the contract is renewed every year. Embryos of patients who do not give consent are destroyed by adhering to the protocols determined by law.

Single Selected Blastocyst Transfer
In some countries, including Turkey, restrictions are imposed on the number of embryo transfers. Accordingly, legal regulations on the subject have been brought in Turkey and 1 embryo transfer has been made mandatory in the first two IVF trials of patients younger than 35 years of age. The only chosen method of blastocyst transfer has been a great advantage for patients living in countries where this requirement has been imposed.

The most important feature of single-selected blastocyst transfer is that it has the most similarity to pregnancy obtained by normal means. It is possible to select embryos with high development potential that can be kept in the laboratory for five to six days in application processes. This feature increases the possibility of positive results and eliminates the possibility of facing multiple pregnancy.

Micro-TESE Method
After the discovery and implementation of this method, treatment became possible for many men who were considered impossible to have children due to the absence of sperm in the semen. With the introduction of the Micro-TESE Method among the treatment methods, the hope of these patients becoming a father is becoming a reality today.

In Micro-TESE applications, testicular tissue is examined with the help of a special microscope and the samples taken from here are taken to the laboratory for examination. When the desired result is obtained, that is, when sperm can be obtained, the process of injecting the eggs is applied. In some cases, freezing is done if necessary.

While sperm is obtained in all patients with obstruction in the sperm carrier channels, the same success can be achieved in half of the patients with production disorders due to the discomfort.

Thinning of the Embryo Membrane
One of the problems frequently encountered in patients who apply to IVF clinics is the inability to reach a pregnancy result despite the embryo development being achieved. In general, the reason for this problem is that the embryo cannot tear the membrane surrounding it and cannot settle on the uterine wall (endometrium). The method of thinning the embryo membrane is used to solve this problem and thus a significant increase in the pregnancy rate achieved by the patients is seen.

In vitro fertilization is the process of artificially fertilizing the egg cells taken from the woman and the sperm cells taken from the man in the laboratory environment and placing the obtained embryo in the mother's womb after it reaches a certain size, following the evaluations made after the couples who have problems conceiving in vitro fertilization apply to the hospital.

In vitro fertilization can be applied in two ways according to the clinical results of the patient. The first is the classical method IVF "in-vitro fertilization" and the second is ICSI "Microinjection (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection)".

The expansion of IVF from these two applications is the fertilization of the egg by one of the sperm by leaving the sperm taken from the father around the egg taken from the mother in a special environment in the laboratory.

Microinjection is the injection of a live sperm selected from the man into the egg taken from the woman. Today, this method is more preferred.

Who is IVF applied to?
In cases where the couple is not protected and cannot get pregnant within 1 to 2 years despite the desire for a child.
Both tubes are clogged.
Severe infection, ectopic pregnancy, tuberculosis, etc. as,
Polycystic ovary syndrome.
Severe sperm disorder in the male (number, low motility).
Problems caused by the late age factor in women.
The absence of sperm in the semen, in the medical term azoospermia.
Endometriosis is when the endometrioma, which is the inner layer of the uterus, is located outside the uterus, especially in the ovaries, peritoneum and rarely in other parts of the body.
Women with common intra-abdominal adhesions.
In patients with a complex disorder that occurs as a result of abnormal functioning of the ovaries and some glands due to hormonal imbalance in women.
Fibroids (cysts) that cause infertility, although they are known as benign tumors.
Unexplained infertility. (For this reason, the patient is first treated by vaccination, if the result is not obtained, in vitro fertilization is applied.)